
"When you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it's your world for the moment. I want to give that world to someone else.  Most people in the city rush around so, they have no time to look at a flower.  I want them to see
it whether they want to or not."

When you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it's your world for the moment.
I want to give that world to someone else.
Most people in the city rush around so, they have no time to look at a flower.
I want them to see it whether they want to or not.

♥ Emelie Källman

SVAR: Tack så mycket! :)


2011-02-23 @ 11:01:42
URL: http://superskarp.blogg.se/
♥ Nathalie

Anmäl dig gärna till dagens länk om du inte redan gjort det :D Jag har börjat använda mig utav sidan random.org som slumpar fram vinnarna.kanske har du turen på din sida nästa gång?:D


direkt länk:


2011-02-23 @ 11:59:28
URL: http://liborius.blogg.se/
♥ Anonym

Vinna 100kr??

Gå in på min blogg och skriv nåt roligt som har hänt dig så blir det en röstning sen vem som hade bäst historia och vinner 100 SEK ;)




2011-02-23 @ 13:25:00
♥ Anonym

sv: Tack :) Allt bra?

2011-02-23 @ 14:03:53
♥ HejerFeysal

Var med på veckans blogg:

http://hejerfeysal.blogg.se/2011/february/tavling.html#comment :)

2011-02-23 @ 14:34:55
URL: http://hejerfeysal.blogg.se/
♥ Sussie

Snygg bild :)

2011-02-23 @ 20:06:23
URL: http://cooldime.blogg.se/

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